You’d think there are only so many flying eggcorns of musicals and show tunes that can be worked into a cabaret? This turns out to be one of those great misconceptions we labour under as proven by Mile High with Cathy Specific, a musical comedy that features the classics Strangers on a Flight, Singing on a Plane, sung by Queen of the Skies, South Africa’s favourite air hostie, Cathy Specific. A fantastic script and support team deliver irony, double entendres, puns and naughty words that leave your inner child blushing, but the adult you have become feels all the better for meeting this phenomenal woman… played by Brendan van Rhyn… which really got me thinking: Is the best woman I can be, a man?
I’ve long maintained some of the best women in the world are all drag queens and Barbra Streisand impersonators be damned my theory was confirmed. But I don’t think it has anything to do with that pesky y chromosome at all, cause its what’s on the inside that counts (of course). As Cathy showed me last night, if you look with an eye of appreciation at every detail of a woman’s movements, expressions and reactions we are all beautiful creatures. Our little physical imperfections, like Adam ’s apple, chiselled chin, a minus one rib and 5 o clock shadow really have no impact on our radiance as females.
The *ahum* larger issues, almost 2m in height, also seem completely irrelevant. Though, a very large woman, Cathy’s wardrobe is tailored to perfection, showcasing assets and cleverly diminishing blemishes (and stubble). Women have disregarded this classy option in favour of the let it all to hang out like we’ve never had a biology class approach. Not a one of us knows why we do this exactly. Some experts allege that we do it because we’re showcasing our unique selling points, which is really like judging the quality of milk by the top of the cow’s udder.
But the best thing about Cathy, is that in this world of ambition and the sidelining of generally feminine virtues in favour of stronger, firmer, more hard-lined qualities, she celebrated her womanhood without taking herself too seriously. I never thought a man would restore my feminine energy, but she has. She reminded me, that as a woman, I shouldn’t take myself so damn seriously. Its not a grave affliction to be woman, it’s a gift and a joy.
Thanks Cathy. Bravo
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